I am an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at IIT Delhi. Prior to that, I was faculty at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. I completed Ph.D. in a joint degree program with Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India and National University of Singapore, advised by Kuldeep S. Meel and Subhajit Roy.
My research interests lie at the intersection of formal methods and artificial intelligence. In particular, my work so far has focused on designing scalable automated synthesis and testing techniques. I am the lead designer of the state-of-the-art functional synthesis engine, Manthan, which combines advances in machine learning, constrained sampling, and automated reasoning to achieve significant scalability. Check out my Research Statement for more details.
I am actively recruiting graduate students to work with. Check out [Open Positions].
Research recognition:
Tutorial: AAAI & IJCAI-22: Automated Synthesis: Towards the Holy Grail of AI. [description].
Selected recorded talks: 1. Manthan: A Data-Driven Apporach for Boolean Functional Synthesis [video @ SAT-SMT workshop-2020]. 2. Program Synthesis as Dependency Quantified Formula Modulo Theory [video @ Formal Method Update-2021].
Service: Program Committee: ATVA AE Chair 2025, SAT 2025, VMCAI 2025, CP 2024, IJCAI 2024, ECAI 2024, NeurIPS 2023 Workshop GenPlan, CP Doctoral symposium 2022. Co-organizer: 1. Winter School on Formal Verification and Program Synthesis, CSE IITD. 2. 9th Edition of Indian SAT-SMT School, co-located with SAT 2024. 3.Workshop on Model Counting, Sampling, and Synthesis, co-located with SAT 2024.
(received Best Paper Award Nomination)
(received Best Paper Award Nomination)